A Public Basket per passenger is $300.00 A Private Basket per passenger is $400.00

ALL FLIGHTS ARE AT SUNRISE. We do not schedule PM flights (sunset flights) as weather conditions in Asheville rarely make ballooning in the afternoon possible. We move with the sun in 15-minute increments. The earliest that we meet is 6:00 AM and the latest that we meet is in October before DST changes. In October we meet at 7:30 AM. We will send you the exact meeting time in a confirmation email when you schedule a flight.

  • It’s OK to book just one passenger, but we require a minimum of three scheduled passengers per (shared) public flight in one morning.
  • Private flights must have a minimum of two passengers. If a group booking a private flight weighs greater than 400lbs combined, we recommend calling us to be sure we have an available basket that can carry more than 400lbs.
  • Individual passengers weighing greater than 250 lbs. are required to book a private flight.
  • Most of our baskets are 48 inches tall and we require passengers to be at least six years old.
  • We have a two-week cancellation policy and require you to cancel at least two weeks before your flight.
  • If you are traveling to Asheville just to fly with us, we recommend you contact us to check on weather conditions before you travel.
  • Our insurance prevents us from taking pregnant passengers.
  • We reserve the right to cancel flights for passengers that we deem are not fit to fly. If you have health issues, please contact your physician, and let us know before your scheduled flight.

Flights last 1 hour, and the entire process takes about 2.5 to 3 hours. Online purchases must be made 24 hours in advance of a flight. Call 828-707-2992 if booking less than 24 hours in advance.

What's available? Public Flights
What's available? Private Flights

Please choose a public or private hot air balloon flight to view our availability calendar.

  • The minimum number of passengers is two and the maximum number of passengers is six in one gondola.
  • If your plans change, please notify us as soon as possible.
  • All flights are weather dependent and may have to be rescheduled, but passengers are not obligated to reschedule if the flight is canceled due to weather conditions.
  • We reserve the right to cancel any flight if safety is ever in question and/or the weather conditions are deemed unfavorable by the pilot.
  • It is best to schedule a balloon flight with a backup date in mind just in case weather conditions on the scheduled date are unfavorable for balloon flying.

We can never give you a 100% guarantee that we are good to go until we are in real-time at the launch site. A flight will likely be canceled when any of the following basic weather forecasts are applicable:

  1. Surface wind speed is greater than 6 MPH or winds aloft are too fast

  2. Visibility is less than 10 miles
  3. Raining

Please contact Phyllis Call 828-707-2992 with questions and concerns.